Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Elijah James

Strangely (not really) my last post was in December, and just a few weeks after Elijah was born. He suprised us all, especially me.

The week before he came we went to the hospital and was told that he was still in the breech position and booked me in for Jan 5th to have a manual harmless procedure to try and turn him. Everything else was great, they did say he was going to be a huge baby. They also told me that if anything did happen because he was breeched to head to the hospital straight away. Anyways then we had Christmas and Boxing Day (in Australia) and I remember having dinner with our friends Gem & Adrian. Our babies' due dates were 8 days apart and it looked like they were going to induce her fairly soon. Then on 29th December Gem was in hospital and I decided to go visit her. Adrian was there too and Gem was in bed and we were talking about how I would be having a baby in another month and hers would be born tomorrow etc...Then I ran all the way back to my car. I was too stingy to pay for the hospital parking and being 8 months pregnant in summer I probably looked the sight running (awkwardly) back to my car. This lady said "visiting someone were you...that could be you soon." (Little did I know I would go into labour just hours later...)

Then we went out to lunch and I was feeling tired so went home for a nap. That evening I wasn't feeling the best and went to bed early. I left my phone on and received a text from Adrian that their baby Isabella was born at 9pm. I was soo excited and Brad was still up so went in to tell him. He came to bed and we prayed that our baby would be healthy and come soon and I told Brad I was a little jealous that their baby was already here cause I really wanted to meet our soon...! HA!

At 3am I woke up (very normal for this stage of my pregnancy) except that I had a headache which had not been common at all..I got up and then went onto facebook cause I couldn't sleep...then I lay there and decided I might go to the toilet cause I was going frequently at that stage. I went and about 10 minutes later realised something strange was happening. I was calling out to Brad but we had a fan on in the room and he couldn't hear me...He finally came and I said "I think something is happening" He said "like what" I said "like my water just broke." We found the number for the hospital, rang and started getting ready to go to the hospital. I went and woke my parents up. My Mum was suprised but ready to help, by Dad simply asked "What time is it?" Quite funny in our family. My Mum started timing my contractions and they were already 4 minutes apart, getting quite strong too.

We made it to the hospital. Didn't think to get a wheelchair AND they didn't offer us one either. So I walked allllll the way up into the emergency room, having contractions the whole way. Couldn't talk by the time I got up to "sign in" We went into the room and two Doctors came in, very calm. When they realised I was so out of breathe, they decided to check how far along I was...I was fully dilated...Well at that point everyone entered the room, I squeezed Brad's hand very tightly, attempted to sign some forms....and then 15 minutes later Elijah James was born on 30th December, 2009. He was 4 weeks and 2 days early.

What an amazing gift from God.

Maybe I'll start blogging again..we'll see.